Our Tutors

All of our in-person and online tutors are college students and young professionals from over 10 countries, including Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, Denmark, United States, Canada, and more!

At CreativePOP, we believe it is important to support students with role models that can equip them with the necessary tools to explore and excel in their interests, during their path to self-discovery. Decisions such as choosing a college major will affect their long-term future, and yet students have very little firsthand understanding of what those paths are actually like on an everyday basis. So who better to learn from than those in the midst of pursuing those specific vocations themselves – such as an aspiring theater director teaching Drama Club, or a professional cake maker teaching Baking & Cooking?

Our tutors are doers, creators, go-getters – who have also not forgotten how it felt to be in the students’ shoes, young and curious but unsure of their next steps. At CreativePOP, it is our aim to pass on this insight to the next generation of students. On top of their diverse backgrounds, all tutors go through a formal application and training process to ensure that students receive the best quality of instruction. We put time and care into our tutor community – hosting town halls, round tables and social events where they can get to know their fellow tutors and learn from one another. We pledge to always nurture these bonds as our platform also evolves and continuously looks for ways to improve.

Are you interested in joining us as a tutor?

Send us an application by clicking the button below.


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